Thursday, February 26, 2009

2009 Triathlons Added to NORSA Calendar

Anybody interested in running a triathlon this year can check out the freshly updated NORSA calendar of potential events (a permanent link is also to your right -->).

Two races in which NORSA members have previously competed in, the Kinetic Sprint and the Sandman Sprint, have been moved to new weekends this year. The Kinetic Sprint has been moved back 2 weeks and is now held in May. The Sandman Sprint has been moved back 1 week and no longer interferes with the Nation's Triathlon.

On a sad note, the Yorktown Sprint, which has been a NORSA mainstay, has been cancelled. Setupevents offered the following explanation on their website:

"Yorktown Sprint: Many of you have noticed the Yorktown Sprint is no longer happening. The Yorktown Council changed their permitting procedures to give them the ability to only allow events that fit with their vision of the Yorktown waterfront area. Unfortunately, despite the tremendous success of the Yorktown Triathlon it no longer fit with their vision." []

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Krispy Kreme Challenge 2009!

On Saturday, Team NORSA members Adam, Alan Stewart, Tim Josey, and Taylor Hinson were joined by newcomer Scott Hinson and over 5,000 other runners to compete in the 5th annual Krispy Kreme Challenge.

The official event involves running 2 miles from NC State University's belltower to the historic Krispy Kreme doughnut shop in downtown Raleigh, eating 12 Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and then running the two miles back in under an hour.

This was Adam's fourth year of participation and the size of the race has grown each year in number and stature. This year a commentator from ESPN participated in the race in a suit and tie with a camera crew in tow.

In the end, only 1,433 individuals successfully completed the challenge. Congratulations to Adam and Alan for their noteworthy finish times.

Participant Run1(Rank) Donut(Rank) Run2(Rank) Overall
ADAM 19:28(1062) 13:34(424) 19:09(684) 49:30(571)
ALAN 19:42(1105) 17:53(739) 18:33(573) 53:26(818)

The winner completed the entire race in 28:09 and the fastest doughnut time was 1:44.