Sunday, January 22, 2012

2011 Camping Year in Review

2011 was yet again a most excellent year for backpacking and hiking. NORSA members hit up some old favorites and a few new sites too. The year ended for Steven S with three nights out in back-to-back weekends. On to the highlights:

April - Ramsey's Draft - 2012 backpacking started with a bang. Lots of fun despite lots of rain and hail.

Fourth of July - Staunton River / Jones Mountain Cabin trail in Shenandoah. Huge thunderstorm came through but fortunately the deck of the cabin sheltered us. Steven S and Emily P first did this trail in 2008, and it was looking a lot less rugged and overgrown this time. Besides the cabin there is a nice overlook at Bear Church Rock.

October/November - Day hiking at Wildcat Mountain and Bull Run Mountain Conservancy. Two new parks for us that are relatively close to the DC area. Wildcat is a nice walk through the woods, while Bull Run has an overlook and some historic cemeteries.

December - solo backpacking to Halfmoon Lookout and White Rocks. Although this was a repeat from May 2010, Steven S camped on the peak of Halfmoon Lookout this time, which has perhaps the most beautiful sunset in the GW National Forest and great views of the stars. It also makes for a cold and windy winter's night. In the parking area there were a few West Virginians out with dogs looking for "bar."

New Year's Day - overnight to Duncan Knob with Marvin and Matt J. We got caught in a downpour/sleet while getting up to the knob. Fortunately with three hatchets among us we were able to make a great fire, and with an easy hike back in we had time to grab pancakes. A great way to start the new year.

How will you experience your outdoors in 2012? Let's hope it's the most NORSA-rific year yet!