Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Tuesday night (January 22nd), Team NORSA members Adam, Julie Brockman, Alan Stewart, Mike Rhodes, and newcomer Don Lenfeste drove to Chapel Hill to join up with Sir Walter's Hash House Harriers to do a 'hash run.' None in the NORSA crew had any experience and the only background came from reading various websites, but we did know it involved running, drinking, and a bit of a team scavanger hunt.

Without giving away too much, the night featured wades through waste deep water, sprints through dark forest, and an all-important beer break (in addition to the beverages consumed before and after the event).

Hashing is an event in its own category, and if running, adventure, and a laid back attitude are your cup of tea, check out your local Hash House Harriers, or join the NORSA crew for their next hash (a now regular event for many members).


Tom said...

This sounds like a lot of fun - is there a chapter up this way?

Adam said...

To find your local chapter, just google "Hash house harriers" and your city.

Hashing is worldwide, and each chapter is different.