Sunday, April 6, 2008

Running from the Bulls at the Richmond Monument 10K!

On Saturday, April 5th, Team NORSA members Julie Brockman and Adam teamed up with Richmond Potluckers Fatima Sharif, Adam Sparger, Mickey Humsi, Paul Stoddard, James Todd, Tyler and Susan Trumbo, Jeremy Wacksman, Megan Wright, Laura Hack, Dave Prestosa, and Roy Lenn for the 2008 Richmond Monument Avenue 10K.

Inspired by Adam Sparger's personal experiences running from the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, the group decided to recreate the event at the 10K. With Hack, Sparger, and Stoddard dressed as the "bulls," the rest of the gang dressed in white with red scarves and did their best to escape the creatures' raw, unrestrained power ... with varying success.

The group's running background varied from seasoned athletes to others who had bought running shoes specifically for the event; but regardless, all participants finished the run with gusto.

Special recognition goes to Laura for putting so much thought and effort into designing the bull costumes that she forgot to bring shoes the morning of the race, and congratulations to all participants!


Steve-o said...

one day adam will be able to grow a real mustache - just you wait

Steve-o said...


Tom said...

In all fairness to Adam, he did grow a beard for Halloween last year ...

Unfortunately, he had to grow the hair for the beard on his scalp and then save it after a haircut so he could glue it to his face.