Wednesday, January 7, 2009

NORSA Annual ICE 2009

NORSA is kicking the New Year off right with its annual winter camping trip (ICE or the Insane Cold-Weather Excursion) in the Massanutten Mountains of Virginia. This year, there is actually enough interest that a cold-weather trip may occur twice in the early months of 2009. The first confirmed trip is scheduled for January 17 - 18. Please contact Tom Saffell or Steve Long if you'd like to come along.

The peak planned for the January trip is Duncan Knob. Signal Knob, while beautiful and convenient, is a bit played at this point. Some NORSA members may remember the failed attempt to reach Duncan Knob back in 2004 that resulted in a camping trip to Scothorn Gap, which had no view whatsoever (although there was a bad-ass ice pond).

In this edition of the NORSA Annual ICE, NORSA campers will finally claim their rightful place atop the glorious 2,200 foot crest of Duncan Knob after four long years. The next trip may occur sometime in late February and will most likely feature an as yet un-NORSA-conquered peak, Strickler Knob, a 2,240 foot peak south of Duncan Knob and Kennedy Peak (NORSA ICE 2003 peak) and north of New Market Gap. On both trips prepare for fun, forties, and freezing temperatures!!

Check out the hikes at
Duncan Knob (January '09) & Strickler Knob (tentatively February '09)

Read the post about last year's ICE to Signal Knob or watch the video from 2008. Also, learn about the origin of the annual trip.

Additionally, NORSA also has many other awesome events on the horizon in this brand new year. The Krispy Kreme Challenge, the Shamrock Marathon (and Half), skiing at Jackson Hole, as well as several unscheduled weekend ski trips, country home excursions, and of course many more exciting adventures as the weather warms up after March. Be sure to check the upcoming events section on the right column of the page frequently for new events and plans.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Hope we can get a big group for this one!