Monday, March 17, 2008

Team NORSA at the Shamrock Sportsfest!

In celebration of St. Patrick's day, Team NORSA members Adam, Bethan Haaga, and Alan Stewart participated in the 2008 Yuengling Shamrock Marathon and Half Marathon in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Also running were former "Team Energy" members Jana and Erin Dennis, now running for "Team Lucky Ladies" along with several others. Supporting the team was NORSA team member Julie Brockman, along with NORSA sailors Alan Witt, Lindsay Pratt Witt, and Ian Harris.

All runners were pleased with their results, with Adam and Bethan and Alan finishing in 3:58:04 (full), 4:08:56 (full), and 2:14:59 (half) respectively. For Adam and Bethan, this was their second marathon and both beat their prior times. This was Alan's longest run to date and, although concerned about some prior IT band issues, was able to finish pain-free. Besides serving as a culmination to months of hard work and training, this run also served as training for Adam and Alan's Ironman, taking place August 31st.

Following the races, everyone partook in some kite flying, boogie boarding, and a delicous seafood buffet. For a more detailed description of the weekend's activities, check out Alan's blog.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Rock on, NORSA. Didn't know Ian was back from the sandbox - good to know he's home.