Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Impromptu Emmitsburg!

Though the original plan was to go camping on the Potomac with Tom, rain forced team NORSA to the Stone-Drinking-Fortress in Emmitsburg without Tom. Ordinarily, NORSA goes to Emmitsburg to ski, but this trip provided an interesting change.

The weekend basically consisted of having dinner at the Shamrock and building a big fire in the fireplace. We got a sampler of Sam Adams and decided which flavor was the best. The next day, the weather improved, so we went to breakfast in Thrumont, and hiked the Catoctain Furnace Trial where we discovered mystical ancient ruins. All in all, it was a really fun and norsariffic weekend.


Matt & Nora said...

What was Tom doing that weekend that was so important?

Adam said...

"National Outdoor & Rowe-hating Society of America"