Thursday, September 10, 2009

NORSA goes Federal...and International?

Yes that's right folks Team NORSA member and chair of the NORSA Western Region, Michael, has gotten federal funding for what promises to be a new level of NORSAdom. He will be cruising across the Drake Passage not only for recreation, but also for making great leaps in the understanding of Narwhal - Giant Squid behavioral interactions.

Narwhals are known for their unicorn-like tusks and for that reason can be dangerous to interact with, but for the most part they are friendly creatures of the sea. Giant Squid on the other hand are fierce creatures that will leave no food source left alone. Michael and crew will be putting their lives on the line while attempting to study both creatures in close proximity. It's all in the name of science!

The mighty vessel that will support this duty is the National Science Foundation's LM Gould as illustrated above.

Well here's the real story. Michael is not going to be heroically fending off Narwhals and giant Squid at the same time! Rather he'll be working on better understanding of the Southern Ocean interaction with the atmosphere. As any armchair sailor knows the Drake Passage is an unforgiving stretch of water and the task at hand will not be easy. As cool as battling ocean creatures would be the pictures and stories that will come out of this voyage will be worthy of NORSAs time and interest. So with that being said stay tuned to and for updates on how the journey unfolds.

Thumbs up!

1 comment:

Adam said...

Bring me back some Narwhal Steaks!